Credit Card Value Index

Panoramic Research


The Credit Card Value Index is a comprehensive ranking of consumer credit cards from leading issuers.

The Index provides a completely objective and numerical ranking delivering subscribers an apples-to-apples comparison of cards across issuers, networks, and categories. Values are assigned based on a proprietary methodology that looks at everything from customer acquisition offers to the extensive list of fees and benefits on over 250 credit cards.

Benefits of the CCVI

A completely objective ranking of cards exists nowhere else on the web. The Index is based on a deep statistical analysis of the value of rewards, fees, acquisition offers, and benefits.

Clients can see how a card ranks based on unbiased data. The Credit Card Value Index can be used for competitive analysis, with subscribers leveraging the database to make more informed decisions on product development, customer acquisition, card fee structures, and more.

CCVI clients can view and download custom matrix files, see the latest trends compiled by Panoramic Research analysts, and view hundreds of data points on more than 250 credit cards from leading issuers.

In addition to detailed monthly Scorecards, clients have access to the Credit Card Value Index web application, allowing them to sort and filter cards based on rewards, competitors, and fees.

The Credit Card Value Index database is updated monthly, providing ongoing insights into the dynamics of the credit card market

Panoramic Research

The Credit Card Value Index

Panoramic Research


The Credit Card Value Index is a quantitative database ranking more than 250 major credit cards currently available in the U.S. The Index is updated each month based on the latest data.

Panoramic Research


The Credit Card Value Index is not only a comparison of over 250 credit cards, but an interactive tool for evaluating the value of cards. The experts at Panoramic Research created an innovative methodology by leveraging more than two decades of experience in financial services research.

Panoramic Research


Coming up with a non-subjective, fully quantitative ranking of all cards is no easy task. The Index includes hundreds of data points, with values assigned to fees, acquisition offers, rewards, and benefits. The result is a comprehensive tool with unmatched insights into the credit card industry's competitive landscape.

Using average spending data for American households over a set period of time, values are calculated and weighted. Weight is determined by the value of rewards, the potential cost to cardholders, and the relative importance of benefits. Assumptions and exceptions are made when necessary, as no two cards are exactly alike.

Panoramic Research

What is Included?

The tool includes web-based access enabling subscribers to filter and sort cards to create custom views. Clients have access to the full Credit Card Value Index database, which is updated monthly. Subscribers also receive:

  • A PDF of individual scorecards each month
  • A monthly report highlighting the latest trends and detailing all changes to the Index from the prior month
  • A monthly matrix which includes the latest data on card fees, rewards structure, new customer bonus offers, and benefits for more than 250 cards.
  • Access to our team of analysts for custom reports